Vacancy on
your sot?
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Vacancy Info
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Congratulations on your new role and responsibility as a leader on the School Organization Team (SOT)!
We have all the information you need about the SOT process and AB469.
CCEA in collaboration with CCSD offers several types of training for SOT members. Your SOT has already begun discussions about preparing a budget for the next school year as well as the school performance plan. Many of you have likely already begun to look at this year’s budget due to the student census count in your building and whether any changes are needed in the budget. We encourage you to attend our SOT training sessions.
Helpful links
CCSD centralized SOT website:
This link is to all of the CCSD Service Level Agreements:
For your school’s strategic budget, go to the general link to CCSD’s Openbook (link below)- and then scroll down until you find the following tool.
The link below is to Nevada’s Report Card. You can pull individual reports for your school, and take a look at the overall outcomes of your school.
The Harbor – https://theharborlv.com/
The Harbor provides assessments to determine the needs of each youth and will connect them and families with appropriate services to address those needs. They refer families to the following services: Family Counseling, Mental Health Counseling, Anger Management, Youth Mentorship and Substance Abuse Counseling. The Harbor provides services to youth ages 17 and under.
Safe Routes to Schools - https://gethealthyclarkcounty.org/get-moving/safe-routes-to-school/
Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) works with schools and community partners to identify improvements, programs and policies to make walking and bicycling viable and safe transportation options. They work with interested schools to draft SRTS coordinated action plans tailored specifically to the needs of their site and develop feasible walking and bicycling programs.